Our mission is to provide educational opportunities for artists to learn and study their craft in a safe, creative, and welcoming space.
With an array of classes, workshops, and series for all ages, we hope to help students gain the knowledge and experience necessary to be a successful artist. We believe better artists make better people.
John W. Graves III
Founder & Director
Lydia Azondekon,
Enrichment Coordinator
ReBecca Nicolas
Enrichment Coordinator
1 on 1 Lessons
JGP Studio, 1214 South St.
Whether beginning or brushing up on skills, our one-on-one lessons provide you with excellent training with professionals in your area of interest (technique, performance, conditioning, and more). Lessons are provided for all ages.
$35 for 30 minutes. $50 for 1 hour.
Tailored lessons for specific needs and areas of study, focus, and learning.
Short term and long term goals and plans of execution.
Discounts available.
JGP Studio, 1214 South St.
Throughout the year, JGP provides an array of classes to the general public. Most classes are for beginners and intermediates. Students enjoy learning, networking and experiencing the power of art in a safe, welcoming, and creative environment. Our Masterclasses provide a glimpse of what our members and visitors can expect in a normal series with JGP.