Our first production of the year is here and you're personally invited to the party! BLACK KID JOY is back! JUNE 13-16 (& the crowd goes wild)!
Here's everything you need to know about this fan favorite from deals and dates to discounts and opportunities. JOIN THE PARTY!
John W. Graves III,
John Graves Productions
NBC News

Who wrote Black Kid Joy? John W. Graves III wrote Black Kid Joy in 2016.

Written in 2016. Debuted 2016 at the Arts Bank, Phila. PA. Performed in 2016 & 2017.
In a black boy’s journey through time, he learns the antiquity of who he is and the worth of it all. Despite tragedy, his reflection serves as the perfect gift in time for his birthday.
2 hours, (C, L).
“Candid and enthused with music and movement, you'll feel, you'll move, you'll be proud. It's as 'black' as it is colorful and a joyous demonstration of music, life, and community." John Graves, Writer & Director.
JUNE 13 & 14 (8P)
JUNE 15 & 16 (7P)
$45-$65 at,+$5 at door.
#BlackKidJoy includes a cast of over 30 artists - dancers, singers, actors, and live band. The three lead actors are all youth under the ages of 21 years old, with the main character being only 8 years old! Included in the cast are leading company members of John Graves Productions and a host of professional artists from the tri-state area.
We'll be celebrating fathers all weekend with giveaways, door prizes, contests, and more. So grab your families and come experience JGP's production of the year, BLACK KID JOY.
Follow us on Facebook & IG (John Graves Productions) for discounts, behind-the-scenes footage, and to follow our journey up to Production Day.

Share BKJ flier, add hashtags #BlackKidJoy & #BKJ2019 ... Automatically be entered into drawing for free tickets. (Sharing must be on Instagram or Facebook). Winners announced week of show.
$10 OFF
Attend any JGP event in May or June or make a $10 or more purchase at #Heres2coolStuff and receive $10 off regular and VIP admission to Black Kid Joy. Ticket(s) must be purchased at the event or during time of purchase at store and cannot be used with any other promotions.